It’s the Law! You are Responsible for Your Sewer Line
Let the Pros at Duncan Plumbing Protect You from Fines and Help You Get up $1,400 in City Rebates
Effective Aug. 1, 2018, property owners will be held to a strict timeline to address sewer spills and breaks, and fines could be levied against owners for noncompliance.
The City of Santa Cruz has passed a new city ordinance that places more regulations on privately owned sewer laterals. This especially involves real estate transactions. The city is trying to protect buyers, keep the local environment clean, and hold homeowners responsible when deferred maintenance results in a sewage leak or spill.
The owner of a property with a sewer spill is responsible for stopping the spill immediately and will be subject to fines and penalties if inspections and repairs are not made in a timely manner.
One possible benefit of this program is that owners can apply for a city rebate of as much as $1,400 of repairs.